Policy Initiatives

Mandatory Entry Level Training

Mandatory Entry Level Training 

On March 1st, 2019, the Government of Alberta implemented Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) for all persons seeking to obtain a class 1 license in the province. Although originally intended to apply immediately to agricultural operators, Team Alberta was successful in advocating for an extension to avoid disruptions to the seasonal farm labour supply. While the extension, which will expire on November 30, 2020, addressed these short-term supply concerns. There remain outstanding concerns from the agricultural sector of the impacts MELT will have on the cost, timeliness and availability of Class 1 drivers in the future.

Alberta Grains, together with our industry partners are committed to the safety of all drivers on our roads and continue to evaluate and advocate for changes to the implementation of MELT that will help overcome barriers of cost, labour shortages and availably of training and testing.

  • See our industry stakeholder letter to the provincial government regarding these concerns.
Industry letter