Press Releases

Alberta Grains appoints Jeremy Boychyn as director of research

June 10, 2024 (Calgary, AB) - Alberta Grains is pleased to announce the appointment of Jeremy Boychyn as Director of Research. Boychyn will continue to oversee both the Agronomy and Extension portfolios with his new title of Director of Research, Agronomy & Extension.

Since joining Alberta Grains in 2018, the University of Guelph alumnus has made significant advancements and contributions to the agricultural research and extension communities in Alberta. He has been pivotal in developing key initiatives like Plot2Farm on-farm research trials and field days, the Spring Wheat Production Manual, and The Growing Point newsletter and podcast, which are invaluable resources for Alberta grain farmers.

"Jeremy’s proven history of delivering impactful research and agronomy programs will be crucial in propelling the success of Alberta Grains and ensuring our farmers have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to thrive." said Devin Hartzler, Second Vice-Chair and Region 2 Director for Alberta Grains.

Plot2Farm, an initiative developed by Boychyn and distributed through Alberta Grains, brings agronomic research directly to farmers. Building off of small plot research findings, this program provides farm-ready research protocols that can be implemented with the help of an agronomist. This approach ensures that research findings are practically applied in real-world farming scenarios.

"Jeremy's continuous contributions to agricultural research are noted and highly valued across the province of Alberta and beyond." stated Dean Hubbard, Chair of the Alberta Grains Research Committee and Region 1 Director.

Boychyn also manages The Growing Point brand, which includes a podcast and newsletter providing timely, relevant agronomic knowledge to Alberta farmers and agronomists. Drawing from science-based research and Alberta Grains-funded projects, The Growing Point offers insights, management perspectives, and practical agronomic advice to help farmers make informed decisions and optimize their operations.

"I am honoured to take on this additional role with Alberta Grains and to have the opportunity to continue serving Alberta's farmers," said Boychyn. "I am excited to continue collaborating with our dedicated staff and farmer-led board of directors to provide impactful research, agronomy, and extension programs that support the success and sustainability of grain farmers throughout the province."

Alberta Grains’ board of directors and organizational leadership are incredibly confident that Boychyn is the ideal candidate to lead and represent the organization’s research and continue his work to strengthen relationships and foster ongoing collaboration in the research field.

"Jeremy's vast experience and strong dedication to advancing agriculture in Alberta make him the clear choice for this role," stated Michael Flynn, Executive Director for Alberta Grains. “His knowledge and expertise in the research and agronomic world are truly invaluable, and the respect he has within the Alberta agriculture community is a testament to the work he’s done to better our farmers. We look forward to showcasing his talents in Alberta and beyond for years to come.”

For more information about Alberta Grains and its initiatives, visit

For media inquires, please contact:

Harley Groeneveld
Senior Marketing Communications Specialist