Articles Library



Pre-harvest weed scouting and herbicide resistance

As we approach harvest season, it is time to scout fields to find out how effective the weed control is, and plan for pre-harvest herbicide and the next year. 

Wheat stem sawfly fall scouting

Harvest is the perfect timing to look for wheat stem sawfly larvae in the stems. The larvae, feeding on pith inside of wheat stems, affects crop yield and quality. Tip for scouting is pulling wheat plants, splitting the …

Tools available for Fusarium head blight management in Alberta

Over the past five to 15 years, Fusarium head blight (FHB) has occurred with increasing frequency and impact in central and western Canada. The trend brings FHB management more to the front and centre of agronomic decisi…

Survey - The Adoption of Winter Wheat and Ultra-Early Seeding of Spring Wheat in Canadian Prairies

You are invited to participate in a research survey from the University of Alberta that will be collecting data on the adoption of winter wheat and ultra-early seeding of spring wheat in the Canadian Prairies.

Pest Scouting Checklist

In the 2023 growing season, Alberta has been seeing an increased number of cases of wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV). The viral disease most commonly affects wheat, causing stunted growth and lower yield. 

Foliar Fungicide Q&A

Fungicides protect the crop against various fungal diseases. Though a common practice, fungicides' yield and economic benefit vary greatly from year to year, and between the fields. This article will look at the frequent…