Where was bacterial leaf streak found in 2023?
Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is an emerging disease in the prairies. In 2023, Dr. Michael Harding’s team conducted a province-wide survey to see where BLS is being found in leaf tissues.
The following map shows the locations where BLS was found in wheat leaf samples. Most of the BLS infections were found in Vulcan, Taber and Newell counties. However, one BLS-positive field was found at a more northern location, in Athabasca County.
It is important to note that this map should not be used to determine risk. If the survey did not find BLS in your area, do not assume BLS is not present. BLS infection is highly impacted by weather. Warm and humid conditions favor the infection and bacteria can double multiple times within a day. Please use the survey map as a reference and keep practicing diligent BLS management, including:
Use clean seed/seed testing
- Crop rotation
- Scouting
- Variety selection
- Irrigation management